Friday 28 February 2014


Aisha – I love the colour scheme, because it looks very fresh and modern. The font it unique and effective this automatically draws me in.

Heleni – I like the main image it attracts me to want to buy the magazine, I like the colour scheme and the masthead looks very current. I like the range of fonts used. However there is no price or date of issue. The sub-heading however is very interesting.

Sabrina – I like the obvious link with your artists clothing and the colour scheme, your font works very well with your genre. Grey box behind text makes it bolder and more effective. You’ve laid out features equally, and the pale white background encourages a good contrast between it and text, this makes the text more visible.

Cherise – I like the colour scheme as it goes well with the genre, it looks very professionally put together.

Precious – You need to include issue number and date along, it also conforms to all the conventions of a Hip-Hop magazine. Mis-en-scene of the cover artist conforms well, as chain clearly represents what the genre puts forward “arrogance, and pride” along with this the blank expression. The features artists are appropriate, and I love the punchy tagline and easy to read.

Jhineil -  I think it looks very profession, I love the colour scheme. I think it could be improved by moving the issue to where the masthead is. I think the masthead could be bigger and potentially  be embossed.

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