Monday 3 February 2014


I have identified the type of shots I am planning to use for each of my pages. I plan on having props such as chains, and watches that conform the stereotypes of Hip-Hop. My first shot is going to be a close up of my artist, focusing mainly on what accessories they are wearing and also their face.My second shot is going to be an extreme close up shot to try and capture as much of their face and the stereotypical characteristics of the type of artist they are for the contents page.My last shot will be a half face extreme close up that will represent the individuality of my artist and the softer side aswell, and the other side of being a traditionally 'hard' Hip-Hop artist. When using Photoshop I will edit the pictures adding lighting effects in certain areas and also changing the colouring of some of the items used from the mis-en-scene category.

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