Here are a few options of text that I've set out as a collage as a way to work out which would best fit my magazine cover.
Some of my peers will be asked which they prefer for my particular magazine genre so that I can get an idea as to what is most appealing. The issues I had when trying to find the perfect masthead text were that because I had so much choice, but had a particulat vision of what I had originally seen in my flatplan - I could not find exactly that - with my particular genre the masthead can't necessarily be very soft and gentle, with soft edges because it would not be very effective. However with he particular magazine name it looks best with a more soft and rounded text.
The many options you can see above are those that really caught my eye but not not necessarily the closest to my original flat plan idea.
This is my final choice for my magazine cover
This is the font that I was chose to be the font I use for my masthead. The ones on the left looked like children drew them or a horror theme. I felt some of those fonts would be too much for the masthead as I wanted the artist to be the main attraction on the front cover. I was originally going to choose one closest to my flat plan as it's simple and reminds me of the masthead for XXL MAGAZINE and as I am taking inspiration from that magazine, it linked well together. The colour scheme and masthead has since changed from that red colour to a navy, the colour links with the shirt colour that my artist has chosen to wear. My masthead position hasn't changed from what I originally wanted it to be. I wanted most focus to direct to the artist so I didn't superimpose my mast head and image. The font is very bold and in capital letters to allow the readers to establish what the magazine name is. I used the font DOLCE VITA as the text on my front cover, it was simple and easy to read which is what I wanted for my front cover.I have used a gold colour to create the effect of the masthead being lifted off the page.
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