Sunday 2 March 2014


contents page comparison to front cover
This particular contents layout is conventional to most Hip-Hop magazine contents pages found under the genre, and from the particular XXL magazine contents. The contents page links well with the front cover because of the use of mis-en-scene of the models, their jewellery and their poses. The colour scheme is also the same, it consists of  black, white and red throughout the magazine and therefore the original masthead on the cover is also in theme with the one found on the contents page. The cover page's image is very different in comparison to the contents', it has a very dark element to it because of the use of styling and accessories we can observe that both artists' have on. The effects of the face covering and tattoos really does play into the belief that the genre is one best described as tough and firm.On both the front cover and the contents both models are either front to back, or in front of each other - the smaller of the two is in the front of the shot. Jewellery is a constant in both cover and contents, the mis-en-scene of the cover and contents is crucial in presenting the magazine genre along with this the text is also a constant theme.

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