Thursday 6 March 2014


Above are both my cover page and contents beside each other, Here you can clearly see that there are major similarities in design. This is my final presentation for both after numerous changes and feedback sessions with members of my peer group. Originally I had a particular vision for my contents page, however i went through a number of changes to get to what you can see now. It still isn't how I thought it would look - if I'm honest my flatplan looks nothing like this contents page because I was not very realistic when setting out to design my contents and cover pages. 

Text choices were an issue for me in the beginning for both cover and contents, Contents especially because there was no text that i thought would best match what I originally planned to put on my magazine, however I magazine to find the correct one ('century gothic') and it worked out well. With images I originally planned to use my cover artist as a main focus of both cover, and contents with no other images, because the magazine I based my cover and contents on used this as a convention. However as I remembered that i had a fashion feature on my front cover, I decided to take pictures of the two models below and it was perfect to use on my contents because of the links to my features and my mis-en-scene.

I decided against including an editors' letter because this is not a convention of the particular genre I have chosen, it is more conventional to include a large contents page image, one to be specific. As I used two very different contents pages as my inspiration I chose to include two images: one a single shot, and the other a two shot. Spacing was an issue for me, I originally set out to just include on image but because of the combination of the two contents pages I decided that the images would be best presented in large.

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