Wednesday 5 March 2014


Here is a print screen of the 2 different fonts I found on, that i chose to use on my contents page.'Dolce Vita' - used for the 'FEATURES' masthead was also used on my cover page as well because of the shaping and boldness that I needed for a magazine of the Hip-Hop genre. This text would contribute to the mis-en-scene because the genre is incredibly bold, and includes bold characters.This text was the best suited for my magazine layout as it suited the text I originally put on my flat plan. This text was most appropriate because of it's very simple shaping and simple appearance. This font, also featured in my front cover was used because it is crucial that I male my magazine consistent in regards to colour scheme and font to make it look professional.

(BELOW) Here you can see the official text used on the cover page with the text choices visible also. For my detailed feature list on my contents page I chose to use 'Century Gothic'.

I chose to use the same text for both mastheads ('Dolce Vita'- from Da this shows an immense amount of consistency through out the magazine. I also chose to use ('KG why you gotta be so mean') for minor heading so that I could use a range of fonts to attract my readers.

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