Tuesday 4 March 2014


Below are the images I will potentially use for my contents page, I have decided I will pick two of these 4 images one of the 2 shot and the other of my cover model Oke. The reason I chose to take these images, and in the studio in fact was I wanted them to have a very staged element to them. The two shot of the two girls would be best suited to my feature aimed at the fashion brand 'KTZ' therefore I made sure that my models wore black because of the fashion line's elements of design. Looking at the two shots it's not clear how it relates to the particular magazine however it will work well on my contents because of the potential link I can make to the feature on fashion on my cover page. The two shot images could be well suited to a fashion shot because of the mis-en-scene and the use of the two very pretty young girls. Normally a convention of a Hip-Hop magazine is that there are very attractive young women on it either included in glamour shots or fashion shots therefore they are well suited to my magazine's genre.

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