Sunday 19 January 2014


Here is a print screen of the questionnaire I used to gain information from a group of my peers to get an brief idea of what they want from a magazine and what exactly they'd prefer. This helped me when asking questions for my focus group of 3 people with different tastes. Due to the amount of answers I got from this questionnaire I able to direct my questions closely to the magazine covers that were in front them.

Question 1 - This question would be the first question to ask each individual as I would like to have an average as to how many people actually buy music magazine.

Question 2 - This question would give me a general idea of how often people buy magazines, and the type of magazine that they'd regularly purchase.

Question 3 - The price of a magazine is extremely important to the consumer and therefore will allow me to get an idea of what prices are acceptable.

Question 4 - gives me an idea as to which of the 3 genres that I am better accustomed to will be more appealing to the audience I aim to appeal to.

Question 5 - This question from involving 3 very different magazine covers will push me in an appropriate direction when deciding on what cover most prefer and therefore i am infer as to why this may be.

Question 6 - This question will help me understand what exactly it is appeals readers to a magazine, and therefore I am able to cater to my audiences needs.

Question 7 - I believe content is very important, and if there is too much the reader may not be want to purchase the magazine.

Question 8 - I asked about the colour scheme because it is crucial when designing a front cover and also when appealing to readers as well.

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