Welcome to the TRIBUTE.
This blog will contain post of my music magazine consisting of a magazine cover, double page spread and contents page suited to my brief, given to me by my AS media teacher and with this brief I hope to produce a music magazine that caters to my target audience. With my previous experience of constructing a magazine cover, and also my further research into magazine made by my peers along with research into the music industry for each lesson I hope to produce a R&B/HIP-HOP magazine because I have - not only a lot of interest in this genre but also believe that I could personally provide a great service by producing a magazine that is very different to what is already out there. At the moment I am quite nervous, however my interests are music and fashion so I aim to incorporate these into the designing process to ensure my magazine is to a high standard.
A good idea to draw on your interests here Sharna - have you thought about if there is a gap in the market within this genre or a target group who need this genre magazine tailored to them?